domenica 7 ottobre 2012

there was a time

Once upon a time there was a time in which people were different. Different in which way? Simply different! Different in their simplicity, different in their honesty, different in their approach to life. Different in their relations, different in their communications, different with the use of the language. People used to shake hands and take time to introduce themselves. Today people don't even find the time to say hello.
Instead of turning on the TV or listening to the radio or even reading a newspaper or magazine....let's try to not do any of these things for one week. Just one week of silence, of quiet, of peace. And let's see what we can do during this week instead of watching TV. Maybe we can read an interesting book, or go for a walk or two or maybe even light a few candles before dinner and eat together in a romantic way. Maybe we can even hold hands, maybe we can smile, maybe we can take a deep breath instead of carrying burdens on our backs.
The things that happen around us aren't our fault, we're not to why should we allow events condition our days? Why should we fail to lead a serene life? After all we're the ones to decide for ourselves, not one else!
So let's give it a try. A day off from the usual routine, three days off from the usual routine. Seven days, let's make it seven days just for ourselves and the people we care for and see what happens.
Who's going to try this out with me? Hands up to the sky all those who are going to try this experiment with me! One, two, three, four, five, ten, eighteen, twenty-four, thirty, fifty! I've just counted fifty hands ready for the ball game.
OK then, here we go! For just seven days take notes of how you feel; emotions, sensations, vibes, moods, grins and facial muscles and, just for the fun of it, take a look at your posture today and have a look at it seven days from now. What's changed? What's happened?
Will be back soon with results on my experiment. Anyone else ready to share?

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